Your church needs more space!

Assuming you’ve come to the realization that you need more space, before you begin construction, answer this one question: Why?


I know, I know. We already covered the “reason” you need more space in the first paragraph. The intent of this “why” is to encourage you to take this opportunity to determine the right approach for your church to continue its mission of spreading the gospel.


Is the best avenue for your church to simply accommodate your larger congregation and ministries under a single roof? Fantastic! However, perhaps now is an opportunity for you to plant a new church and seed a new congregation at a second location.


The right choice for your church, of course, will be influenced by your denomination, creed, and members. But when it’s time to grow, you should investigate all your options.


Eden Religious Facilities has extensive experience helping growing congregations with both expansions of existing facilities and ground-up construction. From permitting and legal to architecture and design, our construction professionals can help you estimate the size and needs of your new building. Contact Eden Religious Facilities today and take advantage of your opportunities to spread the gospel.